Flower Essences, Gems & Essential Oils








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Flower Essences

Traditional flower essences are made from the flowering part of the plant. They are then steeped in the sun or boiled in water to capture the energy imprint of the flower. You end up with the healing vibration of the flower, not the flower itself, but what it represents. Each flower has a unique healing quality and profile.

When a homeopathic potency and dilution is added to the the flower essence, it becomes even more personalized and powerful.

Bach Flower Remedies have a flower essence blend called Rescue Remedy, which is great for stress, anxiety and trauma. 


Gemstones are not only beautiful to look at, but they've also been shown to have a positive and healing impact on mental, emotional and physical stress.

Each gemstone has it's own healing profile. For example, Rose Quartz is associated with the heart and beauty. It's also used as a protection for radiation, helps with anger and tension, and assimilation of protein, iron, oxygen and vitamin K. It's often used to enhance the heart and throat chakras.

I help my clients find them right gems for them and create personalized homeopathics of them to help my clients deepen the positive impact of these beautiful stones.

Essential Oils

Just like the flowers and stones, essential oils have emotional profiles. They also smell great and have their own physical healing properties.

Wild Orange is the oil of abundance. It addresses a wide variety of emotional issues. It inspires abundance, fosters creativity, supports a positive mood, restores physical energy. It helps  individuals reconnect with their inner child and brings spontaneity, fun, joy and play into one's life.

The oils can be used on their own and I enjoy making these into customized homeopathics for my clients, as well.

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