Have you ever told yourself that you’re going to start something new, but you don’t follow through?


Maybe you promised yourself you’d exercise regularly but struggled to stick with it. 


Or maybe you made a deal with yourself that you were going to eat healthier but kept eating junk food.  


As a parent, there might be times when you lose your cool with your kids, and beat yourself up afterward.


I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you.


You are not broken, and things are not hopeless.

There is actually a reason why this is happening, a root cause.




The latest research tells us our unconscious mind runs approximately 95% of our lives!


That’s explains a lot!


THIS is why I have invested time and money into learning the best tools that change the unconscious mind


This is not about willpower or trying super hard. However, it does require effort.


My Feel Better Membership is all about teaching you how to tame your subconscious mind. 


Because you have the power within you to attain success, contentment, and peace in your life. And that, my friends, is PRICELESS!

Join Now!


Enjoy more Peace & Fulfillment



Feel the JOY that lives inside of you.



Experience more success & satisfaction. 

This membership is for you if...

  • You're ready to do the work to change your life.

  • You're tired of repeating your same old behaviors.

  • If you want to change, but are a bit skeptical that it can really happen for you.

  • You're willing to believe that life can actually be fun and fulfilling.

  • You desire something more than the comfort of your old familiar behaviors.


Check out what people in my community have to say.

I feel like I am finally getting to the root of everything that's been off in my life. This is really important. 


You've helped and inspired me in ways you can't imagine!


Working with Jill has been life changing.


Frequently Asked Questions

The gift that  keeps on giving. 

Click the link below for immediate access to a Feel Better life today!
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